Friday, May 29, 2020

4. Face Mask Protection for the Staff and their Family.

4. Reusable Face Masks for the staff and family

From January 10 to April 7, 2020, Dr David Sing did a few face mask research by getting feedback from some employees given face masks free of charge by their employers. They were given either the disposable 3-ply face masks or the reusable fabric face masks.

Two common feedbacks from employees are:

1.  Poor Quality No-Filter Face Masks. One corporation posts two cloth masks to each employee as they are required to work from home to stem the spread of the coronaviruses.  These cloth face masks, retailed at the NTUC supermarkets at $3.50 were cloth masks without filters. Some were also given free by the Singapore Government in April 2020 to Singapore residents.

employees' feedback was that these cloth masks were of poor quality and did not possess any filter.

2.  Poor Quality Surgical Face Masks. In another case, the employees of a fruit juice stall in North Point City Mall told me that their boss gave them poor quality disposable masks. They were very thin and the filters were even thinner. So the employees bought better quality ones from Johor.
Disposable face masks (left). Cloth face masks (right).

A higher standard of quality is expected by Singaporean employees as they are better educated. Giving them free but poor quality face masks may not be a good idea. As the new coronavirus is not easy to eliminate since infected people without showing symptoms can spread the virus, mask wearing is prudent to protect yourself and the family even after the end of lockdown in many countries.

Although children are reported not to be severely affected by Covid-19, unlike seniors, it is prudent to get them the Scepter Reusable Face Mask with filters. These moisture repellent filters prevent respiratory droplets from leaking into the mask and infecting others.

Different types of face masks

It is mandatory to wear a face mask when walking the dog
Veterinary Technician Kaye is happy to receive our Face Mask birthday gift. 


Why not consider Our Fabric Face Masks?  
Family members will love to have the Face Masks with filters as an alternative to face shields and home-made cloth masks. They can wear the correct sizes. The masks are breathable and comfortable.

 3-Ply For Kindergarten and Nursery pre-schoolers

 3-ply Face Mask For Primary School

 Face Mask for Muslims wearing tudang 

4-ply Face Mask for Primary School children

 3-ply Face Mask in green
  3-Ply Face Mask in black colour

3-ply Face Mask in red. Various colours are available

The most popular face masks are as follows:

Covid-19 is a virus that infects a lot more people than Ebola, but it is not as deadly. Infected people with no symptoms continue to spread the virus via the respiratory droplets. Hence it becomes a Covid-19 pandemic. Humankind is unlikely to stand together to stop the viral spread; the Covid-19 crisis will last for another few months. Wearing a good quality reusable face mask with water repellent filters is very important for protection from respiratory droplets for the general public.

Our Reusable Mask has moisture repellent filters which repel droplets from the inner and outer surfaces of the masks - preventing asymptomatic wearers from infecting others and protecting the wearers from infections.   

Custom Face Mask with a butterfly label

Our Face Masks make a good present for the staff and their children as they are comfortable and breathable. They contain moisture repellent filters that stop respiratory droplets from seeping inside the mask surfaces. They don't contain anti-bacterial drugs inside the filters so that the wearer will not breathe in the chemicals from the filters.

  3-Ply Face Masks For Children and Pre-schoolers

4-Ply Pleated Face Masks are popular with Adults and Children
"Whiskers" (top mask) is unique for Children and Pre-schoolers

For more information:

                 Dr David Sing

 +65 9668-6468

toapayohvets.comBlock 1002, Toa Payoh Lorong 8, 01-1477, Singapore 319074

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